Mundane mind games

Ship it

Finally! Our long-awaited prototypes have arrived from the shop, and they look presentable. All they need now are some measurements at a specialist lab, additional treatment at a coater or, if you’re happy to chance it, assessment by a customer… and our enthusiasm hits a wall as we realise what comes next. With a sigh and a last sip of coffee for what will probably be a while, we steel ourselves and enter the arcane world of packaging, form-filling, cost centre allocations and handcarts - namely, shipping.

There will be boxes to find to fit our goods, filler to prevent rattling and damage, packing tape, too (bonus points if you have one of those hand-held dispensers with the jaggedy cutter available); no doubt you’ve already equipped yourself with ruler and scales, plus pen and paper to jot down the parcel’s weight and dimensions for when you have to fill out one of those shipping forms later. Perhaps you’ve been thoughtful enough to write an accompanying letter, and alert enough to have printed it out, signed and even put it into the box before taping it up. But you didn’t just seal up your contact’s details that were in the letter into the box, did you? You’ll need that perspn’s email address or a phone number for the form, too.

With steady resolve tinged with trepidation, as a supplicant to a sage, you pile your slightly too heavy to carry box and sundry notes and scraps of paper onto a cart or trolley, and trundle across site to the shipping department, where I can only wish you the support of willing and contented colleagues. Form filled out and ready to go? Great! But no! For shipments to other regions, you’ll have to slink back to the office to sift through and decipher mysterious customs categories under which to declare our goods, fearful of the potential delays and further costs that will be incurred if you get it wrong on the additional forms you took back with you, or had to find somewhere on the network and print out yourself.

And on it goes - finally getting it sent out, obtaining the tracking number to email to the recipient, perhaps monitoring the shipment over the next day or two. It can be exhausting, and it feels… well, perhaps a bit mundane.

Engineering is (largely) mundane

Packing and shipping is just one example of the mundane that deflects from our engineering, dragging it back, we feel, into some kind of bureaucratic swamp from the blue skies of thinking that we strive for. There are plenty of other such activities: receiving and booking goods and prototypes, planning business trips, filing expense reports, logging IT tickets, organising meetings (attending meetings!) - they can all feel like disruptions to our engineering flow: we’d much rather be dreaming up or working on solutions to immediate problems, than “just” plodding through this admin and bureaucracy.

But what if these actions are also engineering?

Even if we don’t possess the mindset to really make those “engineering-adjacent” activities our own (thank goodness there are others who seem happy to fulfil those roles), without them our intended products - just as clearly, in the extreme case, as if we were to forgo CAD modelling or simulation or validation testing - simply wouldn’t get made properly. Which, if engineering is the fulfilment of technical intentions, also makes them part of engineering.

Have someone else do them?

There are companies (German Mittelstand companies, for example) where someone else does all of that administrative stuff for you - assistants to make the calls, box the parts and get them shipped. There’s a case to be made that that’s actually the most efficient allocation of resources. But it is, fundamentally, the same thing: we need and expect to eventually get the results, and when have we ever been able to mutely hand something over to someone and expect the correct outcome? We can’t seriously do that: we have to specify our needs and transmit them to our helping counterparts.

That, too, is “a mild case of” engineering: we specify something that needs doing, and the better the specification, the more likely it will be that the output will match our expectation more closely.

Feel the community

Engineering is part of life in a company. Each individual action we take as engineers and the sum of them all reveals the realities of that company life, how everything fits together, or doesn’t quite; how the company tries to protect itself from the risks of error or fraud; how we’re all in the same boat, operating often ridiculous-adjacent bureaucratic systems, often without a clear reference guide, with not always clear outcomes - and how it can all make more sense and be more engaging when everyone pulls together with humour and good grace.

Feel the project

There’s also something in the argument that it’s better to “feel” the product, to really experience it as it develops within the project. Wrangling parts into boxes, or fitting them into test equipment, or visiting the production line can bring you closer to those technical objects, linking what we see “through the screen” to the physical perspective whilst engineering what we engineer.

In Eric Berger’s book Liftoff: Elon Musk and the early days that launched SpaceX there’s quite the implicit critique of a particular type of engineer:

At some government labs and large aerospace firms, an engineer may devote a career to creating stacks of paperwork without ever touching hardware.

Those stacks of paperwork (or Excel files, PowerPoint presentations, but also CAD designs, FEA simulations) help the project to progress, of course, but at the expense of feeling the product.

At least activities like booking travel, which, granted, truly isn’t that much of an experience, give you that sense of breadth in the company - what it all gets up to to ensure its progression - and the travel itself is an experience, even if it does involve sitting around in other forms of moving boxes, most of the time.

What this all drives at is what philosophers call the phenomenology of our undertakings, the experiences and how we “feel” it all through our senses, as engineers, as humans.

Isn’t it all engineered?

The thing is: what objects and systems have we been using all this time? If we think about it, don’t they also come across as being engineered? They manage inputs and outputs, capture certain forms of logic and reason, and bring us a step closer to our goals, even the shipping systems and the forms and the costing systems. They have all been designed and built (or have evolved) for robustness and accuracy, from the humble cardboard box which has already been shipped five times, to the robust tape and the goods inwards receiving systems - they are all, too, the result of design and a form of production, presentation to the market and were deemed - by whom, exactly, under what criteria? - good enough, fit for purpose.

So, whilst the “control switches” are different to the ones we use in our daily work, they are there, they serve our purposes and help us to achieve our goals, just as much as Excel, PowerPoint, and our favourite CAD and FMEA tools.

Engineering contains the mundane, the mundane engineering

All of these mundane actions can be treated as being “of”, as well as “along with” engineering. There’s the case to be made that, as a result of the this, we should treat them with the same mindset and discipline as we treat our “true” engineering activities. We may not like them as much, or be as good at them as we would like, but with that mindset of valuing those actions, we can become better at them, and our products better with them.

The artistic flipside

The counter case would be that of course we need these systems, just as trains need rail and our PCs electricity and cloud servers. They are infrastructure: complex and important though they may be, they are “just” infrastructure to us, when we’re engineering: background. Logging in to our workstations in the morning isn’t “engineering.” It’s just preparatory work, using the infrastructure around us to elevate us to the correct, expected level of work. It helps to get us into the zone that we need to be, focussed on the task at hand, tools usefully evaporating away and around us so that we are only seeing and interpreting our work towards the product.

It’s perhaps like a sculptor who needs the block of marble to be there where it can be worked on, but doesn’t “care” how it gets there. Only when focussed on the block and the form steadily being revealed; when setting the hammer and chisel at the precise angle and gauging the required force to chip and glide away: only then can the artist be the artist, truly.

Of course the artist needs to purchase the marble and to be paid for the work, of course tools need to be maintained or replaced, but those are non-core activities that could also be done by (skilled, for sure) lackeys and apprentices.

Perhaps that’s the true test of what is engineering. Could someone who gets our parts shipped out take over our work? Could they really interpret what we see, feel what the right course of action should be to resolve that tricky little set of clashes or contradictions that confront us? Could they even see that there is a problem there at all?

Mastering our metier and our tools gets us into our bubbles, focussed on the value that this product should gain. Ideally, we could murmur an aside: “that prototype needs to be shipped out”, and an AI agent would fill out the forms for us, ask someone to collect it and box it for us, whilst we continue working on the next phase of development.

But that would also mean cutting ourselves off from the rest of the company, and the messy humanity that that entails. It’s finding the balance between the two that makes engineering - despite its technicality, its techne and its hermeneutics - nevertheless a human activity, full of politics and phronesis, to use terms that bring me right back to the beginnings of this engineering blog, and to Aristotle. As two of the sub-headers above intimated: it’s about feeling our work, our lives, and making them not just “value-add” but also worthwhile.

Sebastian Abbott @doublebdoublet