Clearing the decks

originally posted on one of my several now defunct blogs, called On Engineering on 2nd March 2012 I also note that the links to my “own” posts at are now defunct: a shame, and another reason for wanting to move to and have things backed up properly, and via the Internet Archive

I had a couple of hours today at work in what I can only describe as -for the workspace, at least - blissful calm with my laptop offloaded to IT for new software and general updates. It was positively therapeutic having my twin displays switched off, docking station bare and keyboard stowed away. All of a sudden, I could see my working environment for what it was - a mess.

So I cleared the decks. Drawings that had lain scattered around in various states of checking or revision were brutally culled. Specifications for review that had sat there for months were shredded. Samples for testing were tidied away for the ever decreasing likelihood of them being required (the usual samples that arrive with no reference documentation or any indication of what they were for, let alone including a formal test request from someone who knew what they wanted). All of those things had become mere symbols, signs to my colleagues that I was - am - busy. Which is of course a far cry from doing anything useful.

Finally I could see my desk again. That little expanse of off-white reflected my inner calm, the sun shone outside and my cup of coffee smelled great…

Then I realised that I need to do some desk clearing with my blog-life, too. I started this blog with the intention of writing about those aspects of engineering that generally aren’t taught in uni. Things like PPAPs or finding things. As part of my background research to this blog, I came across a site called with some decent observations from a range of writers. They had a notification up saying that they were looking for writers, so I ended up submitting one or two posts, which became three and soon four. I’m still a guest blogger there, but I realise that I am neglecting my own blog.

Hence the need to order my thoughts in terms of what ideas belong to this blog and what to EngineerBlogs. I can’t say I’ll have any answers straight away, but I don’t want to switch off the Canny Engineer just yet.

Sebastian Abbott @doublebdoublet